Root Canal Treatment comes under Preservative Dentistry as Root Canal Treatment (RCT) is done when there is no other dental treatment left to rescue a teeth and will be lost if RCT is not performed. Performing RCT in a perfect manner needs an expertise as if done correctly RCT can last for decades and if not performed in a right manner could lead to lot of pain.
TLC Dental Clinic is one of the best clinic for Root Canal Treatment (RCT) in Dwarka. Dental experts here take utmost care before and while performing RCT and make sure that the treatment delivers the best and long lasting results.
What is a Root Canal?
To know about a root canal we have to understand the basic structure of the tooth.
The portion of the tooth seen in the oral cavity is called the crown?of the tooth and portion which is anchored within the jaw bone is called the root. Depending on the size location and function a tooth may have one or more roots. The tooth has this inner core of soft tissue called pulp. The pulp comprises of all the nerves and blood vessels, which keep the tooth alive. In the crown, the pulp is present within a chamber called pulp chamber and it extends into the root via a narrow tapering canal called root canal. The blood vessels and nerves, which travel through this canal, leave the tooth through a small opening present in the lower end of the tooth ultimately joining with the other major blood vessels and nerves running within the jawbone.

How does the pulp get infected?
Sometimes the pulp inside your tooth becomes inflamed or infected. This can be caused by deep decay, repeated dental procedures on the tooth, a crack or chip in the tooth, or a blow to the tooth .The most common cause is tooth decay.
What happens when a pulp gets infected?
Tooth decay if left untreated spreads into the substance of the tooth ultimately infecting the pulp. Once the pulp becomes infected with more bacteria than it can handle, it begins to degenerate. As with any infection there is formation of pus, which tends to get accumulated at the tip of the roots within the jawbone, forming a "pus-pocket" called an abscess. This abscess not only causes pain and swelling but also affects the jawbone.
What is a root canal treatment?
Root canal is the treatment in which the infected pulp is removed from the tooth and the space occupied by it is cleaned and filled with a special filling material. Even though the pulp has been removed from the inside of the tooth, the tooth is still embedded in a living jaw structure. The root canal tooth will not feel hot or cold. However the tooth would still retain normal sensation to touch or pressure.
Why is a root canal treatment done?
For years, teeth with diseased or injured pulps were removed to prevent or to treat the consequences mentioned above. Today, root canal treatment has given dentists a safe way to save teeth. Based on the results obtained so far it is safe to say that more than 90% of endodontic cases respond to root canal treatment. If carried out.
How is the root canal treatment done?
Contrary to popular belief root canal treatment is not painful .It is carried out under local anesthesia which makes the tooth numb. Only after the dentist has confirmed that the patient has no pain will he /she begin the treatment. The duration of the treatment depends on the amount of infection present. The treatment can be completed in a single appointment or may require more than three appointments.
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